Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is A Rubric - 847 Words

I chose my artifact by looking at what materials, tools, animals, etc. went back through the last two thresholds and had enough information about them to respond to all the requirements of the research paper rubric. At first, I chose agricultural tools, but that was too broad of a topic. I needed to single it down to a specific tool. I chose the hoe because that is the first thing that came to mind as it is a common tool. I used the hoe a lot as I had a garden when I was younger that I took care of for years with my grandpa. We grew things such as tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, cabbage, cantaloupe, sun flowers and some other veggies. Because of this, I was used to having to till up the soil everytime we would plant new or replant†¦show more content†¦Most of the sites I had come across were giving their opinions or assumptions on the topic rather than fact which is what I was looking for. My understanding of the artifact changed as I now realize what all it did for society and what other inventions it inspired. At first, I thought it was a simple tool that not many people used. However, I now realize that it was and is still used by millions of people and societies all over the world. Whether that is in a garden or on a farm. I also thought it was insignificant as many large-scale/commercial farms switched to plows, then tractors, and now use giant electronically managed farm equipment to do all the work for them. And what was the original inspiration? The hoe. When you think about it though, those machines are mostly used in the U.S. You then just travel back through time to different equipment as many other places around the world are not as developed. This means that all of these less developed countries are still using plows, if even that, and even more are using the hoe still. My perspective actual did somewhat change as I was opened up to new ideas that made me think. Originally I just thought it was a simple, uninteresting agricultural tool. Now I also see it from a sort of cultural perspective. Except for a select few places and societies within first world countries, other places and their societies are not as developed. This could either be by their decision or theyShow MoreRelatedDesigning A Program For The Assessment Method Essay747 Words   |  3 PagesCreating Rubrics There are a number of web sites that will help create a rubric. One, Utah Education Network (Rubric Tutorial - UEN. (n.d.), which not only answers the question â€Å"What is a Rubric? But has examples and a tool to create one. Rcampus, also free but requires registration, provides tools to â€Å"Build from Scratch.† Revise my existing rubric.† And Duplicate and re-purpose an existing rubric.† (IRubric: Rubric studio. (n.d.). Both sites requires registration, which is free. 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