Thursday, September 3, 2020

Speed Cameras (Do Not Cut Accidents)

Question: Depict about the article on Speed Cameras 'Don't Cut Accidents'? Answer: Area 1 A speed camera is a gadget for catching or recording quick moving articles. The gadget catches photographic picture onto a capacity medium with the goal that they can be played back in moderate movement. Speed camera works related to cutting edge innovations estimating normal speed of quick moving articles. The cameras are fixed at different areas utilizing programmed number plate acknowledgment (ANPR) that records the number plate fixed on vehicles. The camera utilizes infrared photography that empowers the speed camera to work during day and night. Fixed speed cameras are introduced at different areas, for example, roadside for catching number of vehicle. The portable speed cameras are mobile as laser or radar handheld gadget, irregular police checks in stamped or plain vehicles. The lawful use of speed cameras differ as indicated by the laws and guidelines of each state. The legitimate employments of speed cameras range to be set up in assortment of areas, for example, school zone s, work zones, expressway work zones, development zones or Municipal Park. The punishments and fines likewise shift as indicated by various state for a speeder crossing speed limits (Roads and Maritime Services 2016). Segment 2 Speed camera spares lives. The announcement can be demonstrated utilizing quantitative methodology by introducing information of Royal Automobile ClubFoundation of London. The exploration was led by Professor Richard Allsop for deciphering and dissecting information. The information gave are exact as the estimations were made opportunity to time in the region of the camera. The speed information is given on the site by 85th percentile speed for the vehicles surpassing pace limit. As indicated by the 2011 reports, there was a decrease in street mishaps because of genuine crashes by 27% after establishment of speed cameras (Massey 2013). The individual injury crashes declined by 15% in the region of 551 cameras ( 2016). Ms Townsend announced a decrease of passings and genuine wounds by 42% in a three-year time frame. Speed cameras spare passings, yet additionally spare expense of crisis administrations (Smale 2010). There was additionally a decrease in extent of speedi ng vehicles by 10 to 35%. As indicated by the aftereffects of IIHS Researchers in the Governors Highway Safety Association, there was decrease in conduct of the drivers surpassing rate limit by 59% ( 2015). The investigations show that there was decrease in deadly or genuine impacts, individual injury crashes, setbacks or individuals executed (Wilson et al. 2012). Segment 3 Source: Massey 2013 There are contentions identifying with speed cameras causing or diminishing deadly mishaps. It is contended that crash rates ascend because of essence of speed cameras. Speed cameras go about as a hazardous interruption to riders as they continue checking their speed taking a gander at the speedometer as opposed to focusing out and about. It has been made sense of by the Department for Transport that just 5% of the mishaps are distinguished (Smale 2010). The assets for distinguishing mishaps are lopsided. The speed cameras don't represent the purposes behind street conditions, misinterpreting separations or inability to give signs. The cameras are just positioned at areas where there is substantial mishap record. Speed cameras are additionally viewed as a wellspring of huge pay and occupation creation. There is substantial pay and employment age with the offer of speed cameras. The speed cameras likewise increment the casualty hole (Massey 2013). Different variables that add to stree t mishaps are increment in rush hour gridlock, expanded utilization of cruisers while driving, decrease in wearing protective caps are disregarded. The real supporters of sparing lives are the contraptions and innovation that help in improving control of the vehicles. The paramedics with better hardware have been equipped for sparing lives and not the speed cameras. It is important to change the driving conduct of people instead of presenting speed cameras (Winnett 2011). Very little change in conduct of individuals has been watched and there has been dissuading conduct of drivers. The cash earned by the speed camera organizations are utilized for assembling, planning, introducing and keeping up speed cameras as opposed to government income that can be utilized for paying armed force directors who invest their energy keeping a mind the streets (Wells 2012). Conflictingly, the speed cameras empower obligation among people. The drivers know while they speed up and they abstain from being flashed in the cameras. The cutting edge innovations alert the vehicle drivers through satellite whenever they speed up and they get an opportunity to go about as capable residents (Massey 2013). A general feeling of mindfulness is created as the drivers and vehicle drivers drive all the more cautiously with a dread of being gotten. The reconnaissance and obligation may not be taken by the drivers and they would take risks or perilous dangers. Another contention for individuals attempting to dispose of speed cameras is that they need to pay fines for speeding vehicles (Roads and Maritime Services 2016). The realities and contrasts in the decrease of mishaps must be considered by the legislature instead of bowing under open tension. The individuals hate fines for evident reasons and government must not save open lives in question only for accommodation. It is critical to keep up speed cameras as inordinate speeding executes many individuals consistently. Both the probability of the person in question and those included are influenced by mishaps. It isn't workable for cops to pursue each quickly moving vehicle for which speed cameras can be acquainted with keep ordinary check in the region. Speed cameras spare injury, yet they likewise set aside cash that includes cost. Numerous drivers don't cross speed constrains deliberately. It is additionally a wellspring of instructing drivers and others to keep inside speed limits (McKenzie 2010). End Indisputably, the speed cameras must be presented and kept up. It is too simple to even think about creeping over the cutoff, however there are some straightforward and useful things drivers who think that its hard to remain with speed cutoff points can do to support themselves. Training must be given through measures and battles to teaching individuals to keep inside cutoff points. Speed cameras can be included for making the residents capable. References Forests, J., 2011. Speed Cameras 'Don't Cut Accidents'... they make them, study finds. [online] Mail Online. Accessible at: - make study-finds.html [Accessed 14 Jan. 2016]., 2015.Speed cameras cut injury crashes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. Massey, R., 2013.Speed cameras 'increment danger of genuine or lethal accidents': New RAC examination raises questions over their helpfulness. [online] Mail Online. Accessible at: chance lethal accidents New-RAC-examination raises-questions usefulness.html [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. McKenzie, S., 2010.Speed camera cynics imperil all of us. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Accessible at: legislative issues/political-assessment/speed-camera-doubters jeopardize every one of us 20101122-183ot.html [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]., 2016.Deaths and genuine wounds down a quarter close to speed cameras. [online] Available at: information [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. Streets and Maritime Services, 2016.Fixed speed cameras. [online] Available at: vehicles/security consistence/speeding-camera-requirement/fixed-cameras.html [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. Smale, W., 2010.Do speed cameras truly cut mishaps? - BBC News. [online] BBC News. Accessible at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. Wells, H., 2012.The quick and the irate. Farnham: Ashgate. Wilson, Willis, Hendrikz, Brocque, and Bellamy, 2012. Do speed cameras decrease street car accidents, wounds and deaths?.John Wiley Sons, Ltd. [online] Available at:[Accessed 13 Jan. 2016]. Winnett, R., 2011.Speed cameras neglect to cut mishaps. [online] Accessible at: to-cut-accidents.html [Accessed 13 Jan. 2016].

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Professional Values and Ethics Paper

Proficient Values and Ethics Paper Qualities and morals are a basic part to human life. They separate among good and bad. To realize the distinction can keep individuals where they ought to be; permitting them to be genuine guide to other people. Individuals like to see somebody exit a moral way of life, not simply catch wind of it. What is esteemed characterizes character since it shows what is generally significant. It is simply the standard individuals consider responsible to which activities depend on the qualities they live by. At the point when individuals have great qualities, it can convey into different everyday issues; both expert and personal.By having great qualities and morals throughout everyday life, it is simpler to give that channel access to a vocation. An individual will need to show that they have great norms and expertise to work in distressing circumstances and keep their head on straight. This will show any business that their representative has it leveled out and can keep up a decent work attit ude.English: , Prussian savant. Portuguã ªs: , fil...It likewise implies that this individual can be responsible and individuals can depend on this individual to use sound judgment just as making a solid workplace where everybody has a sense of security and trusts each other.Whether individuals are intentionally mindful of them or not, each individual has a center arrangement of individual qualities. characterizes values as:n: convictions of an individual or social gathering in which they have a passionate venture (either possibly in support of something); he has very traditionalists valuesThe key point to remember about qualities is that executing them empowers everything worried about it. For an individual, focusing on and applying values discharges new energies, which consistently draw in progress, accomplishment, and prosperity. So also, when organizations or different establishments embrace esteems, people working at the association become energized, as do its c lients, its items and...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr.

Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. is a man of trust, boldness, beauty and respect. Albeit a large number of these attriobutes I share with Arthur, his elevated level of virtues and confidence I seek to accomplish. Arthur was of African American average and being conceived on July 10, 1943 in Richmond, Virginia he needed to confront numerous racial battles and hardships. Unexpectedly, I was brought up in somerset, New Jersey, in the 1990’s so my racial battles were near non-existent. Being of Italian-American respectable, on the off chance that I had lived in the hour of Arthur Ashe I despite everything would not have confronted racial battles as significantly as African Americans did in that time. Arthur was the main brought into the world similarly as I might have been, aside from he was the solitary while I then again have three kin. We were both naturally introduced to amazingly cherishing and caring families. Arthur was raised by incredibly severe guardians and was not permitted to go out after school or spend time with companions as I do once in a while. His dad simply like my folks set objectives for independence, order and obligation. On account of those objectives Arthur started to invest heavily in his notoriety. I additionally feel as though I’m continually being judged. We have both been called â€Å"quiet† individuals however Arthur in the end becomes out of that and my folks let me know I’m starting to do likewise. Both of our folks, to our dismay, compel us to do our various tasks before whatever else. The distinction exists in the discipline for ignoring our folks wishes. The supposed â€Å"beatings† that Arthur got in his time were n othing interesting yet on the off chance that those beatings were to happen today they would be viewed as off-base and heartless. Regardless of the distinctions we share numerous comparable redirections, for example, great quality time with our families. Arthur was known to spend endless hours perusing and tuning in to music with his mother. However at 6 years old Arthur needed to confront one of the most horrible expierences of his life when he lost his mom, M... Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr. Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr. Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. is a man of trust, boldness, effortlessness and respect. Albeit a considerable lot of these attriobutes I share with Arthur, his elevated level of virtues and independence I seek to accomplish. Arthur was of African American better than average and being conceived on July 10, 1943 in Richmond, Virginia he needed to confront numerous racial battles and hardships. Despite what might be expected, I was brought up in somerset, New Jersey, in the 1990’s so my racial battles were near non-existent. Being of Italian-American better than average, in the event that I had lived in the hour of Arthur Ashe I despite everything would not have confronted racial battles as significantly as African Americans did in that time. Arthur was the primary brought into the world similarly as I seemed to be, with the exception of he was the solitary while I then again have three kin. We were both naturally introduced to very adoring and caring families. Arthur was raised by amazingly exacting guardians and was not permitted to go out after school or spend time with companions as I do periodically. His dad simply like my folks set objectives for confidence, order and obligation. Due to those objectives Arthur started to invest heavily in his notoriety. I likewise feel as though I’m continually being judged. We have both been called â€Å"quiet† individuals however Arthur in the end becomes out of that and my folks let me know I’m starting to do likewise. Both of our folks, to our disappointment, compel us to do our various errands before whatever else. The distinction exists in the discipline for ignoring our folks wishes. The supposed â€Å"beatings† that Arthur got in his time were not hing interesting yet in the event that those beatings were to happen today they would be viewed as off-base and coldhearted. Notwithstanding the distinctions we share numerous comparative redirections, for example, great quality time with our families. Arthur was known to spend endless hours perusing and tuning in to music with his mother. However at 6 years old Arthur needed to confront one of the most horrible expierences of his life when he lost his mom, M...

Monday, June 15, 2020

Eloquence The Window To the Soul and the Number One Requirement for a Successful Courtship - Literature Essay Samples

The world of Pride and Prejudice revolved around the relationships between its men and women. Austen made this theme obvious from the opening sentence. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife, (3; vI chI). The pages that followed dealt almost exclusively with the problems faced when trying to acquire a wife (or husband). This quest for a spouse was made difficult by the narrow focus of the books social gatherings. Jane and Bingley could not make their feelings for each other obvious because they were never for many hours together; and as they always [saw] each other in large mixed parties, it [was] impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together, (15; vI chVI).This conversing together was the desired result of any gathering, because it was the only way potential suitors and suitees could get to know more about each other. Faced with life devoid of In-N-Out burgers, movie theaters , and frat parties, Jane Austens characters resorted to attendance at balls and afternoon teas to meet and better acquaint themselves with each other. Their interaction with members of the opposite sex was limited to the pleasantries exchanged while sipping or dancing. They knew each other almost exclusively through this polite conversation, and how well or poorly they conveyed their thoughts had a huge impact on how they were perceived. The eloquence of the characters of Pride and Prejudice, their ability to converse politely and entertain each other through interesting conversation, their wit or spirit, the extent to which they were able to show their intelligence, and their ability to convey an idea or point of view, was greatly esteemed because so much of what they knew about each other was based upon their words.Words, or a lack thereof, earned Darcy a reputation for pride and a disagreeable nature when he refused to speak to anyone he did not already know at his first ball a t Meryton. he is such a disagreeable man that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him. Mrs. Long told me last night that he sat close to her for half an hour without once opening his lips, (13; vI chV). Mrs. Bennet later added that he would have talked to Mrs. Long if he had been agreeable, making the connection between not speaking and being disagreeable is unmistakable. He was expected to converse, and his failure to do so reflected poorly upon his character. Darcys worth in society was based upon how well he was able to express himself, and half an hour of silence with Mrs. Long greatly lessened his social worth.Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst also fall victim to a character analysis based upon their conversation. Elizabeth was surprised by them when they exerted themselves so much to please, saying she had never seen them so agreeable and that, Their powers of conversations were considerable, (37; vI chXI). Not only was a quiet member of society condemned, but one that was outgoing and blessed with the gift of entertaining speech was praised. In this case, two women who had put little effort into their conversations and relationship with Elizabeth up to that point, resulting in her marked dislike, suddenly decided to try to improve Elizabeths opinion of them. This was accomplished by simply including her in an animated discussion. Elizabeth spent so much time talking with the people around her that her quality of life changed dramatically based upon how well they expressed themselves. If the people around Elizabeth could converse well and entertain, the many hours spent in conversation would pass by much more quickly and enjoyably.An entertaining friend was worth a great deal more than a talented or pretty one when extended periods of time were spent exchanging ideas. Beauty seemed to be an emphasis in the book since many references were made to the beauty or lack of beauty where the Bennet sisters and other characters were concerned. [ Mr. Bingley] had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much, (7; vI chIII). The reputation for beauty, not intelligence preceded the Bennet sisters, and yet the most desirable quality in the book is intelligence, specifically intelligence shown through conversation. Darcy fell in love not with Elizabeths looks, although her fine eyes were an added bonus once he got to know her, but with her eloquence. He even said initially that, She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me, (9; vI chIII). Since he was later sufficiently tempted by her to propose marriage twice, something had to have changed his opinion of her. Her looks certainly did not change drastically during the course of the book; it was, rather, her conversation that won him over. Only two chapters after he told Bingley that Elizabeth did not interest him, he told Miss Bingley that she (Elizabeth) was pretty. His only exposure to her between these two events was when he, as a step towards conversing with her himself, attended to her conversation with others, (16-17; vI chVI), and so he got to know her by simply listening to her talk. If she had spoken poorly, used bad grammar, been rude, or even not spoken, Darcy would have gotten a very different impression of her character and her intelligence, and would have found nothing to merit a change in his opinion of her. Darcy even says, after he and Elizabeth are engaged, that he fell in love with her because of the liveliness of [her] mind, (248; vIII chXVIII). He liked the wit and, as she says, impertinence, of her conversation. Her subsequent marriage was a direct result of her intelligence, shown through her eloquence.Darcys eloquence, his ability to explain his actions and his history with Wickham, was also a very important part of his courtship of Elizabeth, playing a huge role in her change of heart. Elizabeth initially detested Darcy because she overheard him insult her. When her mother condemns him for not speaking at the Meryton ball, she replies by saying, I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine, (14; vI chV). His written words later won her over. Darcys letter explaining both his behavior and Wickhams marked the turning point in his relationship with Elizabeth. Upon reading it She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd, (137; vII chXIII). She began to consider the unthinkable, to realize that, despite his difficulty expressing himself vocally, that he was eloquent, that he was intelligent, and that, perhaps, she had made a mistake in turning him down. She was not completely won over until he went to so much trouble to be charming to Elizabeth and her uncle and aunt when they visited his home. She realized when she was forced to leave that her feelings where Darcy was concerned had changed, that he had bee n very kind, and that she regretted having to leave so suddenly.Elizabeth felt how improbable it was that they should ever see each other again on such terms of cordiality as had marked their several meetings in Derbyshire; and as she threw a retrospective glance over the whole of their acquaintance, so full of contradictions and varieties, sighed at the perverseness of those feelings which would now have promoted its continuance and would formerly have rejoiced in its termination. (180-181; vIII chIV).It is then that she finally saw what he was capable of and began to allow herself to fall in love. Marriage to Darcy did not seem as undesirable on reflection as it had initially, once he proved that he was intelligent and capable of interesting conversation.Interesting conversation was really the only way Austens characters had to display their intelligence. The only mention of university in the whole book involved Wickham. Darcy said, My father supported him at school, and after wards at Cambridge, (132; vII chXII), and all the female characters were taught at home if they were taught at all. Elizabeth said of her education that, We [the Bennet sisters] were always encouraged to read, and had all the masters that were necessary. Those who chose to be idle, certainly might, (110; vII chVI). There were no science fairs, SAT scores, or class ranks to impress a prospective suitor, so everyone was forced to rely upon their rhetorical skills to show that they were indeed clever. Practical knowledge was not even very highly esteemed, as none of gentry had to make a living. None of them made serious business decisions since for the most part they were born into their money, nor were they forced to worry about the inner workings of their own homes; servants did all that thinking for them. The only thing that could be done with intelligence was talk, and so the art of talking well was nurtured.Austen obviously valued intelligence above many other qualities tha t would have been arguably more useful in the same setting. Manual dexterity could have manifested itself much more obviously in needlework and other crafts than intelligence was able to show through in conversation. Coordination and a musical ear were necessary for dancing and playing an instrument, yet we know that Elizabeth did not play particularly well, and Darcy fell in love with her in spite of it. The same day Darcy first remarked on Elizabeths fine eyes she played piano for the whole group, and, her performance was pleasing, though by no means capital, (17; vI chVI). Eloquence and love were even paired together as if they were two parts of the same thing in the description of Mr. Collinss proposal to Charlotte, although this was said with tongue in cheek as it is obvious to the reader that he had a different definition of both than Elizabeth and, arguably, Austen. (83; vI chXXII). Austen was a firm believer in the power of words, and her characters showed that. Darcy said to Elizabeth, about the effect the things she said to him when refusing his proposal had on him, Those were your words. You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me, (240; vIII chXVI). Austen believed that words were capable of really impacting those who heard or read them, and Darcy was evidence of that.It is interesting that Austen placed so much importance on words and eloquence since everything we know about her characters is related to us through her words and her eloquence. Austen instilled her own priorities into her characters, and her own intelligence and wit manifests itself in Elizabeths intelligence and wit. She says in a letter to her sister, Cassandra, after the novel was published that, I think her [Elizabeth] as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print, how I shall be able to tolerate those who do not like her at least, I do not know, (273; 29 Jan 1813). Elizabeth was clearly the embodiment of all the characteristics that Auste n admired. Had Austen been unable to express herself so clearly and humorously, had she spent more time perfecting her embroidery or piano skills than writing, this book would not have been able to capture the reader, and would have been a failure. Luckily Austen did not perfect her embroidery. Instead she wrote and left us with a legacy of books, stories, and letters to enjoy and remember her by. Not only was eloquence important to Austens characters, but it was obviously also important to Austen herself, since she spent so much of her life using and improving it.All the emphasis on eloquence was not so misplaced. People in relationships now are often so busy that little time is allotted for serious conversation, and we often know little about the people we care most about. How often during the course of the day do we come across someone who has a great deal of difficulty functioning in the real world because he unable to express himself? Eloquence was emphasized in Pride an d Prejudice because so much of what the characters knew about each other was based upon their words. Are we so different? We ought to take a cue from Jane Austen and begin making the things we say and the way we say them a little more of a priority. A focus on interesting, intellectual, clear, witty, and polite conversation would make all the trips to In-N-Out Burger much more entertaining, and much more worth our time.Bibliography:Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Norton Company, 2001.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hinduism Is The Third Largest Religion - 1531 Words

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world existing primarily in India and Nepal. The term Hindu originated as a geographical term for the inhabitants of the Indus Valley, located in Northwest region of India, around 2000 B.C.E. The Indo-Aryan civilization began when the Aryans migrated to the Indus Valley in 1500 B.C.E. This civilization is responsible for the original Hindu teachings. In the 14th century, Hindu became a reference used for a person who was not a follower of the Islamic faith (Flood, 1996). In the 18th and 19th centuries the British Raj attempted to define Hinduism as a particular sect, due to the complexity of the religion (King, 1999). This sect only focused on one branch of Hinduism, which the Advaita’s practiced. Advaita refers to â€Å"not two† meaning they believed that everything that comprises the universe is one expression of reality. Hence, there is no difference between a human being and god. Overtime, Hinduism developed into a relig ion characterized as a way of life or a path to seek enlightenment. Today, many Hindu’s practice polytheism, where they believe that all reality is one, known as Brahman, but also accept and worship many different gods and goddesses. A significant establishment in Hinduism’s concept of the divine comes from the Vedas and the Upanishads, which are known as the sacred Hindu texts. These texts are written in Sanskrit, which is known as the primary Hindu language. There are four Vedas: Rig-Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda,Show MoreRelatedHumanities 130 Hinduism Paper733 Words   |  3 PagesHinduism Paper HUMANITIES 130 Hinduism is a diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils (GodWeb,  n.d.). 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Most people agree that Hinduism originated from Northern India. (Lynne Gibson) Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion, but it is more than that Hinduism is described more as a way of life than a religion. This makes Hinduism very complex. Hinduism itself is divided up into four main denominations, each having differen t beliefs. Many aspects in other religions come from Hinduism. SuchRead MoreSimilarities Between Hinduism And Confucianism856 Words   |  4 PagesHinduism and Confucianism are two well known religions that have been around for thousands of years. they have a lot of similarities, but also some differences. Both religions are located in Asia, while Hinduism is mainly in India, and Confucianism is in China. Both religions are based around the people’s actions as well as the meaning of life, which are shown through their strict society and social structures. Even though they’re different, both religions have 3 principles or values they go by.Read MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Hinduism1166 Words   |  5 PagesBy definition, religion is considered as, â€Å" the belief in and worship of a god or group of gods.† Various religions can be found internationally and many are practiced worldwide. Both Christianity and Hinduism are very popular religions, and have a substantial amount of followers. In fact, Christianity and Hinduism are the largest, and third largest religions of the world, respectively. They have been tremendously influential on the world and have, arguably, shaped it into what it is today. Despite

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is A Rubric - 847 Words

I chose my artifact by looking at what materials, tools, animals, etc. went back through the last two thresholds and had enough information about them to respond to all the requirements of the research paper rubric. At first, I chose agricultural tools, but that was too broad of a topic. I needed to single it down to a specific tool. I chose the hoe because that is the first thing that came to mind as it is a common tool. I used the hoe a lot as I had a garden when I was younger that I took care of for years with my grandpa. We grew things such as tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, cabbage, cantaloupe, sun flowers and some other veggies. Because of this, I was used to having to till up the soil everytime we would plant new or replant†¦show more content†¦Most of the sites I had come across were giving their opinions or assumptions on the topic rather than fact which is what I was looking for. My understanding of the artifact changed as I now realize what all it did for society and what other inventions it inspired. At first, I thought it was a simple tool that not many people used. However, I now realize that it was and is still used by millions of people and societies all over the world. Whether that is in a garden or on a farm. I also thought it was insignificant as many large-scale/commercial farms switched to plows, then tractors, and now use giant electronically managed farm equipment to do all the work for them. And what was the original inspiration? The hoe. When you think about it though, those machines are mostly used in the U.S. You then just travel back through time to different equipment as many other places around the world are not as developed. This means that all of these less developed countries are still using plows, if even that, and even more are using the hoe still. My perspective actual did somewhat change as I was opened up to new ideas that made me think. Originally I just thought it was a simple, uninteresting agricultural tool. Now I also see it from a sort of cultural perspective. Except for a select few places and societies within first world countries, other places and their societies are not as developed. This could either be by their decision or theyShow MoreRelatedDesigning A Program For The Assessment Method Essay747 Words   |  3 PagesCreating Rubrics There are a number of web sites that will help create a rubric. One, Utah Education Network (Rubric Tutorial - UEN. (n.d.), which not only answers the question â€Å"What is a Rubric? But has examples and a tool to create one. Rcampus, also free but requires registration, provides tools to â€Å"Build from Scratch.† Revise my existing rubric.† And Duplicate and re-purpose an existing rubric.† (IRubric: Rubric studio. (n.d.). Both sites requires registration, which is free. When it s notRead MoreGuidelines For An Effective Teaching And Learning Tool For Instruction And Students1132 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Rubrics can be used to make students a part of the assessment process. According to Brookhart (2013), â€Å"a rubric is a logical set of guidelines for students’ work that includes descriptive levels of performance quality on standards.† Matching student performance to descriptive criteria are the essential factors in a rubric (Brookhart, 2013). Assessing student performance is a rubric’s task. Brookhart (2013) states that â€Å"criteria and descriptions of levels of performance are theRead MoreRubric Of Rubric Testing And Evaluation Essay1081 Words   |  5 Pages Abstact This article gives a short communication about rubric testing and evaluation. It helps the researchers to understand what is rubric, types of rubric, description about the types, application of rubric testing, reliability of rubric testing and validity of rubric testing. Intoduction Rubric Testing and Evaluation can perform better in the Indian classrooms with the specific purpose that it can test even the emotional details. It has to be understood the varied background of the studentsRead MoreEssay on Assessment Issue Rubrics615 Words   |  3 PagesAssessment Issue Rubrics This article takes on a bit of a different perspective when it comes to the issue of using rubrics as a tool of assessment. When the topic of rubrics has come up in the professional life of this writer, it has been followed with a negative connotation. This article speaks positively of the use of rubrics. The writer of the article Heidi Andrade uses rubrics not only to justify students’ grades, but also to assist the students in properly completing an assignmentRead MoreThe Genius Of Rubrics Is A Coherent Set Of Criteria1493 Words   |  6 PagesA rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, this definition of rubric is rarely demonstrated in practice. The Internet, for example, offers many rubrics that do not, in fact, describe performance. I think I know why that might be and will explain that in Chapter 2, but for now let s start with the positive. It should be clear from the definition that rubrics haveRead MoreTypes Of Creative Writing Prompt845 Words   |  4 PagesA rubric is a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work, or â€Å"what counts† (for example, purpose, organization, details, voice, and mechanics are often what count in a piece of writing); it also articulates gradations of quality for each criterion, from excellent to poor. (Middle-web 2013). For teachers, rubrics are known as a set of guidelines teacher’s use in order to assess a student’s work and be able to provide the student with a clear method of teaching. Student’s may sometimesRead MoreGraduation Speech On Elementary Literacy Essay1444 Words   |  6 Pagesvery nervous when presenting in front of a whole class. Not all of the rubrics were addressed during my presentation since me and my group agreed to divvy up the workload for the presentation, so while I did the season summer, other did other seasons and included different criteria depending on what they presented. So, some rubrics like a majority of the planning rubrics went more towards others in the group depending on what they wanted to address like Maya really went into depth about the importanceRead MorePart 1: Exemplars Math Rubric And Exemplars Reading Rubric.826 Words   |  4 PagesExemplars Math Rubric and Exemplars Reading Rubric How does the Exemplars criteria for both math and reading rubrics follow a top-down or bottom-up approach? How do you know? Exemplars scoring rubrics are excellent tools for assessing student work. One clear thing about the rubrics is that both math and reading rubrics follow a top-down approach in assessing students. In math, for instance, the strategy is chosen first (Brookhart, 2013). â€Å"Exemplars math material comprises standards-based rubrics, whichRead MoreThe Importance Of Critical Thinking On College Education1030 Words   |  5 Pagesinformation that can be used in developing assessments and rubrics, I decided to analyze the article by Montgomery (2002) in detail for this reflection in order to learn about forming authentic rubrics and assessments. I had learned to form rubrics and developed rubrics in the past, I had not read any scholarly articles on forming rubrics. Similarly, most books on teaching suggest using authentic assessments and tasks. However, very few books explain what constitutes authentic assessments. I hoped to gatherRead MoreQuestions On Authentic Assessment And Quality A ssessment Essay1417 Words   |  6 PagesFor your paper, respond to the following: 1. What you know understand about authentic assessment? 2. Why the term â€Å"authentic†? 3. What kinds of assessments are authentic? Why? 4. What are rubrics and what role do they play in authentic assessment? 1. Authentic assessment Authentic assessment is a type of alternative assessments. It evaluates students’ learning progress and achievement through performing tasks that enhance and resemble language use in real-life settings. According

Young Generation and Drugs free essay sample

Boys are twice as likely as girls to say that they have taken drugs when they have not 17% of 11-13 year-olds, 21% of 14-16 year olds and 22% of over-16 year olds think their friends pretend to have taken drugs when they havent The influence of the tribe decreases as teens grow up: 51. 5% of 11-13 year olds said that members of their tribe did things in order to fit in with the group, compared to 47% of those aged 14-16 years, and 41% of over-16s 5% of 11-13 year olds, 60% of 14-16 year olds and 44% of those over 16 felt that young people try drugs to impress friends. Another popular reason was to look cool – over 55% of the sample – while 15% of those aged 14-16 years felt that it helped young people to pull Teenagers living in the South East were more prone to talking up their behaviour than teenagers from other parts of the UK The most self-aware and image-conscious group is that of the Gangstas, characterised by their love of hip hop stars like Eminem, sports brands and bling. We will write a custom essay sample on Young Generation and Drugs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Gangsta tribe is most likely to say that their taste in music influences their personal appearance, at 72%. They are also the most likely to talk up their drugs misuse, at 35%. This compared with an average of 23% within the 11-18 year old age group, and 9% of Academics/Geeks and 19% of Scallies The Dubit sample indicates that the widest variety of tribes are to be found in the South East with the majority of Indies, Moshers, Sporties, Trendies, and Townies all coming from the region, Geeks or Academics and Scallies predominating in the North West, Gangstas based mostly in London followed by the South East, while Skaters are largely based in the Midlands and Goths in the Eastern Counties.